Tuesday 15 June 2021

Whisht Hall by Jane Jordan: A Romantic Horror Novel

Whisht Hall by Jane  Jordan

's review

Family Connections to Terrify

A seventeen-year-old, Amy Derneville, is forced to live with a step-uncle, Henri Louyar, and three cousins in an isolated mansion bordering Dartmoor, England after her father died. Amy’s mother disappeared when she was a baby. Her initial meeting with her new family was fraught with tension when introduced to one of her male cousins, Calin, whose twin brother is absent, and a female cousin who made no pretense that she viewed Amy as their family’s charity case.
Questions plague Amy when she is told her aunt, Marguerite, lives in New Orleans with a female protégé her husband distrusts and finds that probing where the missing twin brother, Damien is, go unanswered.

After being saved by Damien when lost in the moors, Amy is frightened and isn’t sure who to trust or believe. Even her uncle’s motives make her nervous when he strongly suggests she draw up her will since her father left her a sizeable inheritance.
Her sleep at Dartmoor is often interrupted by the eerie howling of a wolf that other family members dismiss try to convince her it’s only a sheep dog howling. Amy finds herself being romantically drawn to both of her male cousins. This attraction may result in dangerous consequences since the twins appear to dislike each other immensely and one demonstrates he is very much in tune with a Voodoo ceremony Amy was forced to watch.
Jane Jordan’s prose is excellent as she paints vivid imagery of a family’s lives fraught with secrets and dark associations and a plot with numerous surprises in the backdrop of a New Orlean’s swamp and the picturesque land surrounding her uncle’s Dartmoor home. Despite living in a gorgeous mansion, Amy’s fears that the rumours about man-eating hounds at Dartmoor bogs may, in fact, not be myths.


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