Saturday, 20 October 2018


Having grown up listening to Elvis's amazing vocals, I'm excited to be attending a performance by Steve Michaels this evening (Oct. 20) along with my Genre5 Author group (minus Donna Houghton who is off to Italy, no doubt doing some research for her fantasy romance series. I feel very lucky to have seen one of Elvis's concerts in Buffalo two years before the world lost the King of Rock 'n Roll. Kudos to Steve Michaels for his successful career of keeping Elvis's memory and music alive.

More details will follow after this event.

Our Genre5 Author group (minus one) at dinner waiting for  Steve's performance.

Despite Steve Michaels telling us that his young son had shared his cold with his daddy, being a world-class performer that he is, he wowed the full-house with Elvis's gospel music at Central Church, 7 Queen's Square, Cambridge, Ontario church venue.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Enjoyed the evening Donna.