Monday, 24 September 2018


Gloria and I, co-authors of the Blair and Piermont thriller series and sister-in-laws (S-I-L ), hit the road on Sept. 22nd, not for a book event, but to attend festivities at the Port Elgin Legion.  Our niece, Cheryl Cowtan, organized a 50s’ theme party to celebrate her Dad’s 80th birthday. I have known Jerry Cowtan since I was five years old when he rode his Harley and chummed with my older brother, Grant. Jerry amazes me with his level of energy. With interests such as motorcycling, pickle ball, and sailing, Jerry keeps very active and could pass as being in his early sixties. 

Cheryl Cowtan & Dad, Jerry
Jerry's daughter, Cheryl, bringing in the cake

It was so much fun to catch up with friends and family and dance the night away to music we all loved listening to in our formative years. Jerry urged about a dozen of us to participate in dancing The Stroll.  We were shown a U-tube video for a quick refresher before getting up so as to avoid stepping in the wrong direction and falling in a tangle of legs during the dance lineup. My big sis, Dianne Ferris, taught me to jive in my preteen years, and I was thrilled to have a jive with Jerry who is a veteran rock ‘n roll dancer.  Even more thrilled when my knees didn’t scream during the vigorous workout of this fast-paced dance number.  Three quarters through the dance, I whispered to ask Jerry if there might be a paramedic in attendance in case we needed one at the end of the dance. He laughed and kept dancing.

The "birthday boy" Jerry Cowtan & Donna Warner in a jive dance.
The weather was good, and we had a relaxing two hour drive from Guelph to Port with my husband, Ralph chauffeuring us. We stayed in Southhampton and visited the beautiful harbour, the inside market building, and of course, the signage that acknowledges the tribute to my brother and Gloria’s late husband, Grant Ferris, at Fisherman’s Park before leaving for home.   

Grant's sister, Donna Warner & wife, Gloria Ferris

Gloria Ferris at Southhampton harbour

Our buy Blair & Piermont series book link on Amazon:
Cheryl Cowtan, Fantasy Author's web page

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